Nevermind does a solo episode of the Battledome Booth, marking the major changes afoot. The major theme of this episode is increasing the OBD's "curb appeal." Topics discussed include:
- Ultimate Deathsaurer (Agent Washington) getting modded (:44)
- The OBD Conference Room (1:19)
- The most important things that need to be done (2:33)
- The prospect of newbies (5:09)
- Calcs (6:00)
- Low tier threads (7:40)
- A low tier tournament? (9:30)
- Claymore's end (10:32)
- Naruto's end (12:09)
- The Media Club (15:07)
- Dominon: Tank Police (15:32)
- Low tier series again (17:14)
- Diablo II (18:35)
- Games as social events (20:12)
- Tournaments and mafias (20:40)
- Answering questions from Bernkastel (regarding this link with Wikispaces) and Ringabel (21:43)